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Best Protein Powder For Women

Best Protein Powder For WomenBest Protein Powder For Women

Choosing a protein powder can be confusing. There are so many different types and brands.

Many women have been afraid of protein powders–thinking they will start looking like a man! This myth stems from the fact that the traditional protein powders were made for men wanting to build muscle quickly and bulk up. Of course, these products do still exist and are very popular among bodybuilders and other athletes, but there are more and more varieties of protein powders available for the non-bodybuilding population–including us women.

There are a number of reasons women add protein powders to their diets, including:

Help build muscle

Help lose weight

Easy and quick way to consume more protein

Alternative to other protein sources

Let’s take a look at a few types of protein powders.

Best Protein Powder For Women

There are many types of protein powders to choose from:

  • Whey protein powder
  • Soy protein powder
  • Rice protein powder
  • Egg white protein powder
  • Pea protein powder
  • And many more–including combinations of the above

If you are a vegetarian, vegan or lactose intolerant, your options are a bit more limited, but in general, some things to consider in a protein powder are:

  • High in protein
  • Low in carbs and fats
  • Minimal amount of artificial ingredients
  • Tastes good
  • Mixes well
  • Is reasonably priced

That narrows the list down a bit, but still leaves quite a lot of options.

If you are looking for a protein powder for women to help you build muscle or lose weight, one that is close to pure protein– very little carbs, fats or added ingredients is what to look for.Best Protein Powder For Women

Best Protein Powder For Women

Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is by far the most popular type of protein powder.

Whey is a byproduct of cheese production. Whey is left over after milk is curdled and strained. Therefore, if you are lactose intolerant or sensitive to gluten, whey is not for you.

Whey protein is particularly effective as a post-workout source of protein. It’s rapidly digested and can stimulate muscle growth. However, it can be consumed anytime.

Here is an example of the nutritional profile for a popular whey protein powder: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

The chocolate variety:

  • Serving size: 30.4 g
  • Calories: 120
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Protein: 24 g

In general, whey protein powder is an all-around good choice of protein powder for women.

Soy Protein Powder

Soy protein powder has been around a long time and was very popular in the past. However, there is now a lot of debate about whether soy is a healthy protein source. Soy is one of the only plant-based protein sources that contains complete protein.

Some studies have shown that soy protein contains substances that inhibit the digestion of protein.  Other studies find that soy may stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

However, some evidence suggests that soy may have special benefits for women, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

Here is an example of the nutritional profile for a popular soy protein powder from Bulk Supplements.


  • Serving size: 30g
  • Calories: 117
  • Fat: 1g
  • Sugar: 0
  • Protein: 27 g

In light of the uncertainty of soy, I recommend alternating soy protein powder with another protein powder if you are going to use it daily.

Brown Rice Protein Powder

This plant-based protein powder has long been favored by vegans and vegetarians.

Brown rice protein powder is made by extracting proteins from sprouted brown rice. It’s the most universal protein powder–almost everyone can use it. It’s non-dairy, gluten-free and easy to digest.

Studies have shown that brown rice protein powder has many benefits, including helping to support heart and kidney health, improving liver function, regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels, supporting weight loss, and building muscle. 

Here is an example of the nutritional profile for a popular brown rice protein powder: Raw Warrior Brown Rice Protein Powder.


  • Serving size: 28 g
  • Calories: 92
  • Fat: 1
  • Sugar: 0
  • Protein: 22.4 g

Although not a complete protein, brown rice protein powder is a great option for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone wanting to add more plant-based protein to their diets.

Egg White Protein Powder

Many people have not heard of Egg White Protein Powder ( except maybe as used for baking). Since egg white protein powder is made from egg whites, it has no fat or carbs, except if you add fruit or other ingredients,s making it a good option for women wanting to lose weight or are on a low-carb or paleo diet. Plus, egg white protein powder is non-dairy, so it can be used if you are lactose intolerant.

Here is an example of the nutritional profile for a popular egg white protein powder: Jay Robb Egg White Protein Powder

Chocolate variety :

  • Serving size: 32 g
  • Calories: 120
  • Fat: 0
  • Sugar: 0
  • Protein: 24 g

The flavored varieties have 2 sugar alcohols and 120 calories.

Egg white protein is similar to whey protein in its ability to stimulate muscle growth.

Egg white protein powder is another all-around good choice of protein powder for women. If you want to find out more about egg white protein powder, see Best Egg White Protein Powder.

Pea Protein Powder

Just like egg white protein powder, pea protein powder is gaining popularity. This plant-based protein is becoming especially favored by vegans and vegetarians.

Unlike regular peas, pea protein powder contains little carbs or fiber. These are extracted, leaving primarily protein.

Like brown rice protein powder, studies have shown pea protein powder has many benefits, including the potential of reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of kidney disease, helping to regulate blood sugar levels, supporting weight loss, as well as, building muscle.

Here is an example of the nutritional profile for a popular pea protein powder:  Naked Pea.

Unflavored :

  • Serving size: 30 g
  • Calories: 120
  • Fat: 0.5g
  • Sugar: 2
  • Protein: 27 g

Pea protein powder, although not a complete protein, is a great option for anyone wanting to add more plant-based protein to their diet.

Best Protein Powder For Women

All things considered, no one type of protein powder is unequivocally the best protein powder for women.  The examples I have selected are similar in protein, fat, sugar and calories relative to their serving sizes–with little or no added ingredients. However, some brands and formulas are better than others. Some have more artificial ingredients, sugars, fats and other additives. That’s why it is so important to read the label.

Now that you know a bit about these different protein powder options, you can better make an informed choice.

After deciding what you want out of a protein powder (ex. non-dairy and unflavored), you can eliminate those that don’t meet your criteria. If you decide to try egg white powder protein, for example, you can then look at other qualities, such as additives or flavors.

With a bit of experimentation, you can find the best protein powder for you.

If you are wondering how much protein you need, see Protein and Women.

Your comments are welcome.protein 4 women

2 thoughts on “Best Protein Powder For Women

  1. I was afraid of protein powder I believe that it will give me a very muscular appearance and make me unattractive as a female and healthy to consume but now, that I know all this information and done research I know that this another way to introducing more protein in my diet. wanted to know are there other ways to used protein powder other than just drink it, like incorporate it into our cooking??

    1. Thanks for your question, Sharnna
      There are a lot of misconceptions about things that can make women bulk up. Women do not have the same make up as men and do not have the same ability to build muscle as men do. Besides smoothies, you can add many protein powders to baking and even add it to oatmeal and yogurt. Peanut butter protein powder and hemp protein powder work especially well for oatmeal and yogurt.

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