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Difference Between Complete and Incomplete Proteins

difference between complete and incomplete proteinDifference Between Complete and Incomplete Proteins

Until about 15 years ago when I began seriously getting into the health and fitness industry, I thought protein is protein. And to be quite honest, preferring carbs, several days of the week I hardly ate any protein at all.

However, protein is very important to our bodiesOur bodies use protein to build and repair muscle tissue.

Now that I am a pescetarian, it’s even more important to pay close attention to the differences between complete and incomplete proteins to make sure I am getting enough complete protein in my diet. Vegetarians and vegans, in particular, need to know the difference between complete and incomplete protein and how to combine protein sources to make a complete protein. However, everyone should know the difference between complete and incomplete proteins to be able to make good nutritional choices. Continue reading Difference Between Complete and Incomplete Proteins